The International Organization
for Standardization
The United Nations Economic
Commission for Europe
Syntax 4 Part 11 > Composite list
  Service composite data element directory by tag 
Change indicators
a plus sign (+) ==> for an addition
an asterisk (*) ==> for an amendment to structure
a hash sign (#) ==> for changes to names
a vertical bar (|) ==> for changes to text for descriptions, notes and functions
a minus sign (-) ==> for a deletion
an X sign (X) ==> for marked for deletion
a letter R (R) ==> for a message whose structure has been completely recast. No other change symbols
shall be used with this message
Cross reference
Syntax identifier
>> Used in
Interchange sender
>> Used in
Interchange recipient
>> Used in
Date and time of preparation
>> Used in
Recipient reference/password details
>> Used in
Application sender identification
>> Used in
Application recipient identification
>> Used in
Message version
>> Used in
Message identifier
>> Used in
Status of the transfer
>> Used in
Data element identification
>> Used in
Message subset identification
>> Used in
Message implementation guideline identification
>> Used in
Scenario identification
>> Used in
Reference identification
>> Used in
Object type identification
>> Used in
Status of the object
>> Used in
Date and/or time of initiation
>> Used in
Status of transfer - interactive
>> Used in
Dialogue reference
>> Used in
Transaction reference
>> Used in
Dialogue identification
>> Used in
Interactive message identifier
>> Used in
Status information
>> Used in
Security identification details
>> Used in
Security date and time
>> Used in
Security algorithm
>> Used in
Algorithm parameter
>> Used in
List parameter
>> Used in
Service character for signature
>> Used in
Validation result
>> Used in
Generated by GEFEG.FX
UN D.22B Syntax