Contents   Codes                        
  Service code lists - Release 40001 - 1999/10/15    EDIFACT  Syntax Version 4  
* 0133
Character encoding, coded
Coded identification of the character encoding used in the interchange.
1. To be used as specified in the partners' interchange agreement, for the purpose of identifying the character repertoire encoding technique used in the interchange (when the default encoding defined by the character repertoire's associated character set specification is not used).
ASCII 7 bit
ASCII 7 bit code.
ASCII 8 bit
ASCII 8 bit code.
#| 3
Code page 500 (EBCDIC Multinational No. 5)
| Encoding schema for the repertoire as defined by the code page.
#| 4
Code page 850 (IBM PC Multinational)
| Encoding schema for the repertoire as defined by the code page.
Mutually agreed
Self explanatory.
  Date  1999-10-15