The International Organization
for Standardization
The United Nations Economic
Commission for Europe
Documents > Other > Publication history
  Publication history
Publication history with applicable version/release/edition numbering of ISO 9735 - EDIFACT Application level syntax rules
Users should note the following conventions for identifying each publication of ISO 9735:
ISO Publication Number
Version Number (0002)
Release Number (0076)
ISO 9735: 1988
First publication.
Not applicable
ISO 9735: 1988 (Amended and reprinted in 1990) 
Amended to correct two ambiguities in the original text concerning S008 and S009.
Not applicable
IS0 9735:1988 (Amended and reprinted in 1990), Amd 1:1992
Amendment 1 published in 1992 and specifying four additional character sets.
Not applicable
ISO 9735-1:1998
ISO 9735-1:1998/Cor 1:1998
ISO 9735-2:1998
ISO 9735-3:1998
ISO 9735-4:1998
ISO 9735-5:1999
ISO 9735-6:1999
ISO 9735-7:1999
ISO 9735-8:1998
ISO 9735-9:1999
Version 4 First Edition, published in 1998 and 1999. Consists of 9 separate parts.
Not applicable
ISO 9735-1:2002
ISO 9735-2:2002
ISO 9735-3:2002
ISO 9735-4:2002
ISO 9735-5:2002
ISO 9735-6:2002
ISO 9735-7:2002
ISO 9735-8:2002
ISO 9735-9:2002
ISO 9735-10:2002
Version 4 Second Edition, published in 2002. Consists of 10 separate parts (Note: For Part 10 only, this is its First Edition). (It should be noted that the identification of "First" and "Second Editions" appears only on the printed copies of the ISO published documents).
ISO/CD 9735-10:2014
Electronic data interchange for administration, commerce and transport (EDIFACT) - Application level syntax rules (Syntax version number: 4, Syntax release number: 2) - Part 10: Syntax service directories
ISO/CD 9735-10:2022
Electronic data interchange for administration, commerce and transport (EDIFACT) - Application level syntax rules (Syntax version number: 4, Syntax release number: 2) - Part 10: Syntax service directories
ISO/CD 9735-11:2022
Version 3 compatible profile for Version 4 of ISO 9735
4 (compatible to version 3)
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