The International Organization
for Standardization
The United Nations Economic
Commission for Europe
Syntax 4 Part 11 > Code list
  Service code lists 
Change indicators
a plus sign (+) ==> for an addition
an asterisk (*) ==> for an amendment to structure
a hash sign (#) ==> for changes to names
a vertical bar (|) ==> for changes to text for descriptions, notes and functions
a minus sign (-) ==> for a deletion
an X sign (X) ==> for marked for deletion
a letter R (R) ==> for a message whose structure has been completely recast. No other change symbols
shall be used with this message
Syntax identifier
Coded identification of the agency controlling the syntax, and of the character repertoire used in an interchange.
Syntax version number
Version number of the syntax.
Identification code qualifier
Qualifier referring to the identification code.
Recipient reference/password qualifier
Qualifier for the recipient's reference or password.
Processing priority code
Code determined by the sender requesting processing priority for the interchange.
Acknowledgement request
Code requesting acknowledgement for the interchange.
Test indicator
Indication that the structural level containing the test indicator is a test.
Controlling agency, coded
Code identifying a controlling agency.
Message version number
Version number of a message type.
Message release number
Release number within the current message version number.
Message type
Code identifying a type of message and assigned by its controlling agency.
First and last transfer
Indication used for the first and last message in a sequence of messages related to the same topic.
Section identification
Identification of the separation of sections of a message.
Action, coded
A code indicating acknowledgement, or rejection (the action taken) of a subject interchange, or part of the subject interchange, or indication of interchange receipt.
Syntax error, coded
A code indicating the error detected.
Message type sub-function identification
Code identifying a sub-function of a message type.
Character encoding, coded
Coded identification of the character encoding used in the interchange.
Service segment tag, coded
Code identifying a service segment.
Transfer position, coded
Indication of the position of a transfer.
Duplicate Indicator
Indication that the structure is a duplicate of a previously sent structure.
Report function, coded
Coded value identifying type of status or error report.
Status, coded
Code identifying the reason for the status or error report.
Language, coded
Code identifying the language used.

1. The code list for this data element is maintained by ISO (ISO 639).
Security service, coded
Specification of the security service applied.
Response type, coded
Specification of the type of response expected from the recipient.
Filter function, coded
Identification of the filtering function used to reversibly map any bit pattern on to a restricted character set.
Original character set encoding, coded
Identification of the character set in which the secured EDIFACT structure was encoded when security mechanisms were applied.
Role of security provider, coded
Identification of the role of the security provider in relation to the secured item.
Security party code list qualifier
Identification of the type of identification used to register the security parties.
Security party code list responsible agency, coded
Identification of the agency in charge of registration of the security parties.
Date and time qualifier
Specification of the type of date and time.
Use of algorithm, coded
Specification of the usage made of the algorithm.
Cryptographic mode of operation, coded
Specification of the mode of operation used for the algorithm.
Algorithm, coded
Identification of the algorithm.
Algorithm code list identifier
Specification of the code list used to identify the algorithm.
Algorithm parameter qualifier
Specification of the type of parameter value.
Mode of operation code list identifier
Specification of the code list used to identify the cryptographic mode of operation.
Scope of security application, coded
Specification of the scope of application of the security service defined in the security header.
Certificate original character set repertoire, coded
Identification of the character set repertoire used to create the certificate it was signed.
Certificate syntax and version, coded
Coded identification of the syntax and version used to create the certificate.
Service character for signature qualifier
Identification of the type of service character used when the signature was computed.
Validation value, qualifier
Identification of the type of validation value.
Message relation, coded
Relationship with another message, past or future.
Security status, coded
Identification of the security element (key or certificate, for instance) status.
Revocation reason, coded
Identification of the reason why the certificate has been revoked.
Security error, coded
Identifies the security error causing the rejection of the EDIFACT structure.
List parameter qualifier
Specification of the type of list parameter.
Security party qualifier
Identification of the role of the security party.
Key management function qualifier
Specification of the type of key management function.
Padding mechanism, coded
Padding mechanism or padding scheme applied.
Padding mechanism code list identifier
Specification of the code list used to identify the padding mechanism or padding scheme.
Object type qualifier
Qualifier referring to the type of object.
Reference qualifier
Code giving specific meaning to a reference identification number.
Generated by GEFEG.FX
UN D.24A Syntax