The International Organization
for Standardization
The United Nations Economic
Commission for Europe
Syntax 4 Part 11 > Code list description
  Service code lists 
Change indicators
a plus sign (+) ==> for an addition
an asterisk (*) ==> for an amendment to structure
a hash sign (#) ==> for changes to names
a vertical bar (|) ==> for changes to text for descriptions, notes and functions
a minus sign (-) ==> for a deletion
an X sign (X) ==> for marked for deletion
a letter R (R) ==> for a message whose structure has been completely recast. No other change symbols
shall be used with this message
Code identifying a sub-function of a message type.
Interactive, perform sell
This sub-function is to notify the receiver that the purpose of the message is an instruction to perform a sell.
Interactive, modify current dialogue data
This sub-function is to notify the receiver that the message data are a modification to data previously sent in the current interactive dialogue.
Interactive, modify previous dialogue data
This sub-function is to notify the receiver that the message data are a modification to data sent in a previous interactive dialogue.
Interactive, cancel reserved product
This sub-function is to notify the receiver that the purpose of the message is to cancel a product previously reserved in an interactive dialogue.
Interactive, ignore reserved product
This sub-function is to notify the receiver that the purpose of the message is to ignore a product previously reserved in an interactive dialogue.
Interactive, conclude current reservation
This sub-function is to notify the receiver that the purpose of the message is to conclude the current reservation transaction.
Interactive, display reserved product
This sub-function is to notify the receiver that the purpose of the message is to display a product previously reserved in an interactive dialogue.
Interactive, perform reference sell
This sub-function is to notify the receiver that the purpose of the message is an instruction to perform a sell, based on data returned in a previous interactive response.
Interactive, modify previous dialogue reservation
This sub-function is to notify the receiver that the purpose of the message is to modify a reservation, made during a previous interactive dialogue.
Interactive, display voucher template
This sub-function is to notify the receiver that the purpose of the message is to display the template for a voucher.
Interactive, print voucher
This sub-function is to notify the receiver that the purpose of the message is to print a voucher.
Interactive, cancel current dialogue reservation
This sub-function is to notify the receiver that the purpose of the message is to cancel a reservation made during the current interactive dialogue.
Interactive, cancel previous dialogue reservation
This sub-function is to notify the receiver that the purpose of the message is to cancel a reservation made during a previous interactive dialogue.
Interactive, duplicate sell message
This sub-function is to notify the receiver that the message is a duplicate of a previously sent interactive sell message.
Interactive, duplicate modify current dialogue data
This sub-function is to notify the receiver that the message is a duplicate of a previously sent message to modify data in the current interactive dialogue.
Interactive, duplicate modify previous dialogue reservation
This sub-function is to notify the receiver that the message is a duplicate of a previously sent message to modify a reservation made during a previous interactive dialogue.
Interactive, availability request, multiple suppliers
This sub-function is to notify the receiver that the message is an interactive request for availability which is simultaneously being sent to multiple suppliers.
Interactive, availability request, one specific supplier
This sub-function is to notify the receiver that the message is an interactive request for availability from only one specific supplier.
Interactive, product rules request
This sub-function is to notify the receiver that the message is an interactive request for product rules.
Security acknowledgment
This sub-function of the AUTACK message is for the secure acknowledgement of receipt, including the reporting of any associated security violation(s).
Security authentication and/or non-repudiation of origin
This sub-function of the AUTACK message is for secure integrity, authentication and/or non-repudiation of origin.
Generated by GEFEG.FX
UN D.24A Syntax